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Bharat Swachhta

4.6 ( 1536 ratings )

Bharat Swachhta app is used to keep records of garbage and earn swachhta card points.

The user can take a photo of garbage and upload as a complaint and take require actions, every login user and admin able to show this complaint. so the main aim of the app is to reduce the garbage and help to clean the area, city, state, and country.

How does it work?

Bharat swachhta app used from both side admin and user.

What to do from the admin side and User side?


- admin can show a list of complaint added by the user and also they allow to change complaint status
- admin can log in through user name and password.
- Click on Add Garbage button to scan the barcode
- Scan the barcode of users.
-Enter Garbage Weight(Kg), Amount(₹) and save it.
- Admin can see the list of user with user details.


- User able to add complaint about garbage, the show added complaint and change complaint status.
- Click on Sign Up to create a new account or enter Username & Password to sign in with the current account.
- After creating account generates a unique code for a particular user. which code admin can Scan through the admin app and assign garbage and amount.
- Now user can see you total garbage(kg) & Swachhta card point over here.
- User able to see total garbage